Good evening blogging world.
I participated in a Alternative Health Fair yesterday and had a 10 minute astrology reading. Very interesting, as she pointed out that there was a certain planet that when I was born was at a degree that I came in with a child prodogy in writing and my own ideas.. WHO KNEW???
Interestingly somewhere in high school (which I bearly skated through) I did some sort of creative writing and was told I wasn't doing it right--which even if I really wanted to write--squashed my desire and so called ability!!
So now when I really pour my heart out in a journal or letter to Spirit or even a quick blurb to an online group letting them know of a fellow group members' family member dying-I have friends willing to make sure I realize that I do have a beautiful way of writing. AMAZING!!
Do I dare think about writing for the masses? I even tried writng for a few articles on things I LOVE on some blog site--and they said NO!! Keep on going--keep on writing...keep on plugging my abilities and passions and love in life---HEALING and sharing my knowledge to help others find their way through the maze of new thought and healing worlds!!
I am about to embark on something that is so scary and so exciting for my growth and to follow the guidance I am receiving from my guides is so important to remind myself that I do hear and feel and know that went I was guided to quit corporate America and live my passion was the way to create my life to be fulfilling and prosperous forever more!
I will make it in this world of being there for others and guiding myself and others on the road to a full spiritual and loving life!
I am putting out the intention to create a class of 25 or more that starts May 19th and will be the most helpful class for all that are in it and I use a quatum heart connection to connect with each of those students before and during all the classes. I intend that all classes will come to me with ease and joy and excitement to share it with everyone.
So as I finish all the writing for this day..the question is still am I a writer??
OK so I also need to learn how to read everything through once to see if everything makes I know there are a couple of places that don't..Learning from this!!!!